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PADI Courses - Specialty Courses - Boat Dives - Gear Rental  - PADI Materials

PADI Courses

 Discover Scuba  Try a dive in the comfort of the NAC pool - 1 evening  €55.00
 Scuba Tune Up  Refresh your skills in the NAC pool - 1 evening  €69.00
 Scuba Tune Up inc Sea Dive  Pool refresher followed by local dive in Irish waters  €130.00
 PADI Scuba Diver Course  Basic Provisional dive licence - 3 evenings and 1 weekend  €530.00
 PADI Open Water course  Full International dive licence - 6 evenings and 2 weekends  €650.00
 PADI Scuba Diver Intensive  Basic Provisional dive licence - 4  full days  €530.00
 PADI Open Water Intensive  Full International dive licence - 5 full days  €695.00
 PADI Open Water Referral  Academic and Confined water sections only  €495.00
 PADI Open Water Gold course  Full International dive licence run to your schedule  €795.00
 Advanced Open Water Course  Move up to the next level - 1 evening and 3 weekends  €485.00
 Emergency First Response  Primary and Secondry First Aid with AED - 1 day  €99.00
 Rescue Diver Course  Learn how to help another diver in difficulty  €485.00
 Rescue Diver Course inc EFR  Rescue course with Emergency First Response included  €565.00
 Divemaster Course  Professional certification course - Materials not included  €795.00
 Assistant Instructor course  Start to teach the PADI system - Materials not included  €650.00
 Open Water Scuba Instructor  Upgrade from AI to full OWSI - Materials not included  €499.00
 Instructor Development course  Full IDC programme to prepare for the IE - Materials not included  €895.00

Specialty Courses

 Boat Diver  Understand the principles and practice of Boat Diving - 2 Dives  €185.00
 Dry Suit Diver  Learn the techniques to enjoy Dry Suit diving and keep warm   €349.00
 Deep Diver  Take on the challenge of deeper diving - 4 dives  €365.00
Digital Photography  Learn to take great photos underwater - 1 pool and 2 dives  €338.00
 Drift Diver  Learn to go with the flow - 2 dives  €239.00
 Navigation  Fine tune your underwater navigation skills - 2 dives  €239.00
 Night Diver  A whole new world unfolds underwater when the sun sets - 3 Dives  €239.00
 Enriched Air Nitrox  Learn about the advantages of diving on Nitrox - Classroom only  €250.00
 Peak Performance Buoyancy  Get your Bouyancy skills honed to perfection - 2 dives  €250.00
 Search and Recovery  Find missing objects underwater and safely bring them up - 4 dives  €365.00
 Tec 40  First level of certification in Technical Diving - Materials not included  €370.00
 Tec 45  Second level of certification in Technical Diving - Materials not included  €370.00
 Tec 50  Third level of certification in Technical Diving - Materials not included  €585.00
 Self Reliant Diver  Learn about improved personal safety on any dive  €340.00
 Wreck Diver  Learn to Research and Dive exciting shipwrecks - 4 dives  €485.85

Boat Dives

 Boat Dive ex equipment  Single local boat dive - Gear rental not included  €40.00
 Boat Dive inc Cyl and Wts  Single local boat dive - Cylinder and Weights included  €50.00
 Boat Dive inc all Dive Gear  Single local boat dive - Full gear rental included  €60.00
 Wreck Dive ex equipment  Dublin Bay wreck dive - Gear not included  €50.00
 Orientation Dive  Local Area Orientation dive for Irish waters - Full gear included  €79.00
 Wreck Dive inc all Dive Gear  Dublin Bay wreck dive - Full gear rental included  €70.00
 Two Boat dives package  Two boat dives in one day - 2nd Cylinder included  €100.00
 Two Boat dives with all gear  Two boat dives in one day - Full gear rental included  €120.00
 Atlantic Boat Dives  Prices for Atlantic boat trips are listed on each Atlantic Boat Dive page  TBC

Gear Rental

DescriptionHalf dayFull day
 Full Gear Rental  Complete set of Scuba gear including 7mm Wet Suit  €40.00  €80.00
 Snorkelling Set  Mask, Snorkel, Fins, Wet suit and boots  €20.00  €30.00
Full Gear Rental  Complete set of Scuba gear inc Wet Suit for 2 days    €115.00
Full Gear Rental  Complete set of Scuba gear inc Wet Suit for 3 days    €130.00
 Wet Suit  7mm Two Piece wet suit with built in hood  €15.00  €20.00
 Dry Suit  7mm Neoprene Dry Suit with seperate hood  €25.00  €45.00
 BCD  Buoyancy Compensation Device  €10.00  €15.00
 Regulator  Dive regulator with Octopus, Console and LP hose  €10.00  €15.00
 Cylinder  12 Litre or 10 Litre cylinder  €10.00  €15.00
 Mask and Snorkel  Silicone mask with snorkel attached  €5.00  €7.00
 Fins  Strap fins for Wet or Dry boots  €5.00  €7.00
 Boots  5mm wetsuit boots  €5.00  €7.00
 Gloves  5mm wetsuit gloves  €5.00  €7.00
 Weight Belt  Standard weight belt with weights  €5.00  €7.00
 Compass  Wrist compass  €5.00  €7.00
 Torch  Bright LED underwater torch  €6.00  €8.00

PADI Materials

 Open Water Crewpak  Ultimate - OW Manual, DVD, eRDPml, Logbook, Record File  60330  €83.85
 Open Water Manual  OW Manual with Dive Computer simulator access code  71142  57.50
 Log Binder  Adventure Log black binder  79136  €24.50
 Log Refill pages  Re-fill pages for Adventure Log binder  70036  €115.00
 Training Log  Blue Training Record and Dive logbook  70047  €19.50
 eLearning OW online  Open Water Cert Pack  50010  €148.00
 eLearning OW Touch  Open Water Cert Pack offline for touch devices  60460  €148.00
 Advanced Manual  Advanced Manual complete with Data Carrier  70139  €54.00
 Rescue Manual  Rescue Manual with Accident Management slate  70080  €54.00
 Divemaster Crewpack  DM Manual, Instr Manual, Cue Cards, Encyclopedia, PADI Briefcase  60020  €270.00
 IDC Crewpack  Cue cards, Exams, DVDs, Dive Knowledge Workbook, Guide to teaching  61034  €725.00
 eLearning Dive Theory  eLearning Dive Theory online  50011  €110.00
 Workbook  Diving Knowledge Workbook  70214  €36.65